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Bonjour Readers!

Bonjour Readers!
18 Mar 2016

Bonjour Readers!

*Drum rolls* Tada!

Hello and Welcome, readers! Please make yourself all comfy with your steaming cuppa and prop those feet up. Welcome to the Opcito Blog, which we promise, isn't like a formal straight-laced corporate blog. Why? Because we love what we do. We do not do it for a living but live to do it. Then, what do we believe in? We believe in innovation and helping you revolutionize your product. Wondering who we are? Check out our team of super smarts on the About Us page.

Opcito is an evocative amalgamation of the words' Operations' and the Latin term 'Cito,' which means Rapid, Quick, or Fast. Curious about what we do? Well, we believe designing and developing niche Microservices Architecture is our forte. We provide services like Full stack product engineering, Analytics, QA/automation, DevOps, and Continuous Delivery using cutting-edge technology like containers and the cloud. We do quite a bit more. To find out, check our service offerings.

We also believe in contributing to innovation so that our know-how is passed on to everyone and anyone seeking information, just as we were endowed. So what do we blog about? Pretty much everything we face, from the silliest bug to the mother dragon of new technologies.

You, dear readers, would be part of our caravan, traveling across the desert of slip-ups and frustrating bugs (Yes, we make puns, too!) towards the oasis of knowledge (or perfect code). Speak out in the comments section below to get involved. Or sit back, relax, and enjoy reading our blog! Next stop: New hot container technology, Docker.

Team Opcito

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