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MarTech and CDP

Create revolutionary products for your Customer Data Platforms and marketing needs
From demand generation to delivering the end product/service, augmented customer experience and simplified customer journey

With the massive technological push, marketing your products and services the digital way is no longer optional but a necessity. Whether you are a merchant trying to out-maneuver the competition or an established enterprise that wants to improve customer buying and online experience, the new-age marketing technology has a lot to offer your business. Marketing technology is more than just a catalyst for your business. In fact, it is the business now. On average, an individual spends more than 6 hours a day on the internet - giving marketers an excellent shot at maximizing their chance of inducing a buying decision.

Opcito's in-depth knowledge of the marketing automation space and customer data platforms, customer advocacy, and retention space, coupled with Cloud, Machine Learning, and automation prowess, has helped its customers in this space to reduce time to market and launch full-featured revolutionary products faster.

Why you need MarTech for your
conventional marketing needs
Faster, cost-efficient marketing operations
Faster, cost-efficient
marketing operations
Added scalability and flexibility for the dynamic world
Added scalability and flexibility
for the dynamic world
Efficient data processing for valuable insights
Efficient data processing for valuable insights
Effective communication with omnichannel engagements
Effective communication with
omnichannel engagements
Smoother operations and better usability for elevated customer experience
Smoother operations and better usability
for elevated customer experience
Creating a revolutionary digital presence and data-driven decisions with impeccable technology
Adding technological advantage to your marketing operations for better prediction, communication, scalability, flexibility, and user & customer experience by combining Opcito's certified team of experts with exemplary services

Marketing-focused product development and testing

Building applications that match your innovation speed and marketing strategy with ensured quality and customized business-oriented MarTech product and test engineering

MarTech integration

Seamless integration of added features, third-party applications, and new technologies into your existing MarTech solutions

MarTech Cloud expertise

Add the power of private/public cloud, hybrid cloud, or multi-cloud to your marketing strategy and solutions with seamless migration, integration, cloud-native expertise

Customer Data Platform (CDP) expertise

Building a single, unified, coherent view portal of all your customer data from multiple sources with added monitoring and analytics for actionable insights

UI/UX expertise

Designing products that elevate and go in line with your branding standards with unrivaled design and front-end & back-end engineers
Why choose Opcito to engineer your MarTech and Customer Data Platforms

Impeccable automation experience to reduce manual interventions and faster delivery than ever before


Added scalability and flexibility with just a few clicks with our cloud-native and cloud-agnostic approaches


With our incubation labs, take your ideas to design and develop prototypes in the speediest and most cost-efficient way


Say goodbye to your conventional marketing with smoother MarTech operations using our product engineering excellence


Understand your customers better by leveraging your data in the best possible way with our behavioral data analysis practices

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