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HiTech, Software, and ISVs

Add a competitive edge to your Software and HiTech products with our expertise
Building next-gen software products with high performance that add edge to your business

The growing technology business and ever-evolving tech space have increased the dependency on innovation and rapid development. With the advent of Cloud, Containers, and Machine Learning technologies, the global hi-tech space is in dire need of revolutionary digitization. The digitization revolution has forced hi-tech companies to re-orient their business models to offer "Future-Ready" solutions.

Opcito's deep expertise in the "as-a-service" space has helped hi-tech companies to align themselves with the advancement in the business world. With the global as-a-service and solution models, Opcito has helped HiTech companies fast-track their research and development efforts considering the global as-a-service and solutioning models.

What next
for your software products?
Product modernization for experience-driven solutions and new revenue streams
Product modernization for experience-driven solutions and new revenue streams
Accelerate the pace of software innovation and delivery with new-age technologies
Accelerate the pace of software innovation and delivery with new-age technologies
Improved customer experience with better agility, accessibility, high availability, scalability, throughput, and latency
Improved customer experience with better agility, accessibility, high availability, scalability, throughput, and latency
Intelligent monitoring and security for robust business operations and risk management for early defect detection and prevention
Intelligent monitoring and security for robust business operations and risk management for early defect detection and prevention
Opcito’s Comprehensive Services For The HiTech and Software Industry
Strategic and value-based services across the entire product development, infrastructure, automation, security, and DevOps spectrum to optimize the whole technology ecosystem with the services & solutions for HiTech, ISVs, and SaaS software needs

Cloud engineering

Build, execute, and manage cloud-centric infrastructure and delivery chain architecture for ISVs and SaaS companies for efficient operationalization of hybrid and multi-cloud environments for added agility & operational efficiency at reduced costs

Product & Test engineering

Conceptualization & designing MVPs to the development & deployment of the product with agile & dynamic engineering services for hi-tech products with reliable and advanced automation testing methodologies

DevOps for HiTech

Scaling software application development practices or existing DevOps practices to match the scale demanded by your enterprise to set up a rapid delivery cycle that drives business growth and sets a value-chain

Data engineering services

Robust ETL pipeline and big data processing, deep learning, data warehousing, and embedded analytics for intelligent data engineering to get the best out of your data

Enterprise applications & integrations

Design, develop, and deploy large-scale applications that will transform the business processes and integrate your existing application portfolio for reduced CAPEX

Security services

Building a robust infrastructure and application environments for your HiTech needs with identity and access management, governance & risk compliance solutions combined with vulnerability tests and precautionary measures to protect against cyber threats and attacks
Why choose Opcito as your partner if you are an ISV, HiTech, or a Software company

Deep understanding of ISVs' business models and expertise in technologies aid you in getting your solution into the market faster


Guaranteed efficient and faster application delivery with a certified team of engineering experts and solution architects


Extensive partner ecosystem that includes leading cloud service providers, cloud software and platforms, and container and open-source ecosystem


Experts in re-engineering legacy applications and storage systems by leveraging cloud and containers coupled with the best of DevOps practices


Unmatched experience in infrastructure configuration for cost-effective and reliable infrastructure management


Impeccable service quality with iron-clad SLAs for committed delivery of quality, availability, and responsibilities

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