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Test automation for CLM MS Word add-in

Test automation for CLM MS Word add-in

Engagement details

The customer is a leader in the Contract Lifecycle Management space. The AI-powered platform allows customers for faster & proactive management of entitlements & obligations and surface commercial insights and intelligence. The client wanted to automate MS Word add-in test scenarios to maintain the quality of services by performing regular sanity and regression checks on the add-in. Automating MS Word add-in test cases was a challenging task. Finding a mix of tools/technology to automate the add-in was tough, as Selenium does not support desktop application automation. Also, there isn't enough reference knowledge base available regarding the automation of a Microsoft Word add-in.


TestOps, Test Auomation, CLM


  • Capture and eliminate defects in the early stages of the release.
  • Reduced manual testing efforts required during regression pass testing of the release.

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