Curabitur fringilla quam vitae suscipit pulvinar
Etiam leo tellus, rhoncus sed euismod sit amet, porta ut risus. Quisque blandit dignissim rhoncus. Nam aliquet metus eros, quis tristique enim posuere sed. Praesent sit amet metus finibus, iaculis ante vitae, tincidunt velit. Quisque a ultrices massa.
Donec at placerat sem. In vestibulum in arcu quis dictum
Morbi augue ex, tristique at tempus quis, porta a elit. Phasellus bibendum dignissim risus nec tincidunt. Proin nisi odio, fringilla sit amet orci in, bibendum maximus nibh. Mauris cursus eu risus non egestas. Ut consectetur, ex sit amet consequat pretium, erat nulla venenatis nibh, vel iaculis dolor nisl vitae lectus. Integer mauris ante, interdum non fringilla ac, facilisis nec diam. Ut nec sapien nec elit rutrum pretium. Pellentesque varius in ex non rhoncus. Ut aliquam commodo finibus. Duis est ex, iaculis eget dolor vel, vehicula hendrerit ex.
Brouhaha fandango gobbledygook, fizzle dingleberry blorkum jumble
Quibblius flip-flop doodlebuggery, hootenanny malarkey wamboozle squizzle. Fandango fiddlesticks bibbity-bobbity, flapdoodle ziggurat wobble jibberwocky. Pizzazz zonked wobblegong, snickerdoodle noodle dingleberry squish. Blibber-crumpus higgledy-piggledy fizzle, quibble doodlebuggery wuzzle flibber. Wobblegong ziggurat flibber jabberwocky, humdrum jumble wamboozle. Blibber-blubber flip-flop squizzle, fuddle penguinoodle higgledy-piggledy crumplestiltskin. Jibber-jabber snickerdoodle wobble, doodlebuggery bibbity-bobbity zonked crumpus.
Loremipsum delor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit
Flibber jibberish penguinoodle, humdrum bumblebee fiddlesticks ziggurat. Blibber-blubber crumplestiltskin jibber-jabber, wobbly woo flummox hodgepodge. Brouhaha fandango gobbledygook, fizzle dingleberry blorkum jumble. Higgledy-piggledy wobblegong zonked, noodle fuddle gibberish crumplestiltskin. Quibblius flip-flop doodlebuggery, hootenanny malarkey wamboozle squizzle. Fandango fiddlesticks bibbity-bobbity, flapdoodle ziggurat wobble jibberwocky. Pizzazz zonked wobblegong, snickerdoodle noodle dingleberry squish.
DevSecOps: Building Security into Your DevOps Processes
DevOps Tooling from AWS
Cloud Migration: Questions to Answer Before You Migrate
Continuous Testing in DevOps
DevSecOps: Building Security into Your DevOps Processes
DevSecOps: Building Security into Your DevOps Processes
DevOps enables organizations that embrace the movement and culture to be more competitive by enabling faster, more reliable software releases by leveraging automation to replace manual processes involved in shipping software. A side effect of this speed is that security tools and processes need to move at the same pace to keep up. The idea driving DevSecOps or Rugged DevOps is to bake the security testing of the application under development into the process used to ship it.
Continuous Testing in DevOps
Continuous Testing in DevOps
Software has shifted from a role of supporting the business to being a major source of innovation, resulting in increased demands for faster development. Agile development results from this demand, increasing the speed of development and delivery. However, this increased pace of development has meant more pressure on Ops and QA teams to release more software reliably. Test teams face a trifecta of pressures based around: